Where you go, I will go; where you live, I will live. Your people will be my people for your God is my God.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012



Up and over a winding dirt road above our casita lies a little piece of heaven.  Tucked unto a forgotten valley between hills and el Cofre de Perote exist a little ranch.  Some refer to it as a zoo because of the many exotic animals that call the land  home, but it is really so much more than that.  Apart from the water buffalo, mountain lions, owls, wart hogs, and many other species, green houses bursting with color and unique foliage dot the privately owned property. 

DSCN0948Around each curve hides a new treasure.  Upon entering the gate all five senses are awaked.  The smell of roses, an array of birds chirping, the sun and wind gently kissing the face, colors popping in all directions, and even the taste of the great outdoors fills the mouth.  Stop. Breath deep. Smile.  Was the Garden of Eden like this?!

I am continuously surprised at the beauty that surrounds us in our little corner of the world.   Little gifts given to us by God to remind us that we are not really home yet….He is preparing a place for us, and I do believe it will be far more awe-inspiring than the ranch we went to Sunday.  But until I pass from this world, I will be happy to catch a glimpse of the next by frequently visiting el rancho.

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