Yesterday evening, my 6-year-old cousin Guel came over. We decided making cookies would be a fun thing to attempt. Thanks to a friend of mine who sent chocolate chips down with my mom, I have plenty of them on hand. Naturally we made chocolate chip cookies. In the small-ish town where I live I have not been able to find chocolate chips, but it had never occurred to me that the kids here have never actually eaten chocolate chips. I opened the bag before we began and offered a morsel to my cousin. Have you ever seen someone eat a chocolate chip for the first time? Pure DELIGHT. My cousin is a chocolate lover and the chocolate chip was almost more than he could handle. In the midst of stirring the batter, cracking eggs, and spilling flour all over the floor, I saw a little hand discreetly taking chocolate chips one by one out of the bag. My mouth remained shut however. After all, who am I to spoil the experience of tasting a chocolate chip for the first time?!
Oh and I thought his reaction was grand when he had the chocolate chip. You should have seen how large his eyes became when he saw the cookies!
Awwww...that's so sweet! (no pun intended :) I miss you girl!