Where you go, I will go; where you live, I will live. Your people will be my people for your God is my God.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

La casita


So nuestra casita (our little house)  is coming along.  Between holy week, days off just because, and Construction Worker Day, it has not been coming along at *my*  pace, but what ever does?  We know that God has us in the neighborhood and house we are in now for a reason, and we love seeing Him work.  On HIS own timetable. 


That being said it *should*  only be a few more weeks until we move into our own home.  We have guests coming at the end of this month and the first part of next, so we have continued our rent through that time.  Nothing like saying “Welcome to our home!” when we are in the middle of painting, moving, and the like!   We decided to go the more peaceful route, and stay were we are a but longer. 


Above:  Standing in the front doorway.  Living/Dinning Room and behind the brick wall is the kitchen. 

We took a walk this afternoon to check out the progress.  I snapped a few pictures  for prosperity's sake and for those in far off lands.  


Above:  still from the front doorway, but looking off to the left a bit to the back door. 

It is small, but will more than met all of our needs. And it is ours.    It is 64 sq. meters or about 690 sp. feet.  The house takes up less than a third of our land and has been designed to build up, so there is plenty of room for expansion. 


I am excited about getting in here and adding a lot of TLC. 

Above:  Standing in front of the brick wall.  Front door is to the left and Rafa is in the back doorway.  The doorway in front is the bathroom, and the door to the left is the bedroom. 



Above:  Looking from the bedroom out to the backdoor. 


I love Rafa.  And I am so proud of all the work he has and is putting into our house.  He works hard and long hours, has many other responsibilities, but still has set aside the time to pour lots of time, planning, errand running, and wisdom into this house.  We are excited to be close to living there!  

Above:  Looking from the backdoor to the front door.

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