Where you go, I will go; where you live, I will live. Your people will be my people for your God is my God.

Monday, September 15, 2014





Fall is in the air here….somehow it draws us outside early.  We watch the sun dance over the leaves, listen to the birds awaken, and breath deep while we enjoy our oatmeal. 

Sweet Dreams


I may just be emotional, but I have to hold back tears every time I see this picture.  She’s growing oh-so-fast.  I would say too fast, but time is in God’s hands, so I know His timing is just right. 

Rock, rock.


We love our hammock.  Or our “rock, rock” in Job terms.

Where’s Job?


When you are finishing dinner with help from your two-year-old and all of a sudden you realize the non-stop chatter stopped about 30 seconds ago, you stop what you are doing.  And locate the two-year-old immediately.  10681761_840711722627373_188684935_n

I ask, “Where’s Job?” 10656418_840711662627379_2026737139_n

He pops out yelling, “Aqui esta!!” 

My precious, precious boy. 

Monday, July 28, 2014

Wise Words

"It's a wonderful life when you have to choose between something you love and something you love even more."

"Good, better, best.  Never let it rest until your good is better and your better, best." 

"Lo bueno es el contrario de lo mejor."  

We have been faced with lots of *good* things recently, and we are grateful for them. We have had to decide, however, what is best, and are so grateful for wisdom from above in making those decisions.  

So for now, this means a good bit less of the good, and a whole lot of two of the best.  Precious babes!

Where's Job?

There he is!  
Or as he would say in his two-year-old Spanish, "Alli esta!" 

Monday, July 21, 2014

A dreary delightful morn…



Dishes pile up quicker than I can keep up these days.  I pull a stool up for Job and he swishes water around in a bowl with a spatula while I scrub the rest and wipe down the sink.  A clean sink at least once a day is my goal these days.  10567469_813014515397094_600368644_n Along with the dishes, I check the fridge for scraps and things that are about to go bad. I light a candle.  




We grab a basket, scissors, and the kitchen scraps and head out the door.  Upon seeing us the chickens come running and quickly devour their treats. the coop door stays open all the time during these summer days, so I take a head count to make sure all are present and accounted for.  All 13 are pecking away. 

10559081_813014115397134_803878180_n 10540644_813014085397137_730439786_n

We then head to the berry patch to strip the blueberry bushes of their rip fruit.  There were some causalities in the beginning, but Job has learned to pick and eat only the ripest berries.  If they keep coming in for awhile, berry picking will become exclusively his chore.  



The cucumbers are endless these days too, but its only a few per day, so we enjoy them as they come in fresh.  We have pickled only the ones from the farmer’s market.  We head up the driveway to pick a single rose for the table.  We see some greenery passing its limits, so we cut some of that too. 

Once inside, we arrange the vegetation in vases and place them next to the still burning candle.  I warm up some sweet potatoes and we enjoy them with the rest of our blueberries. 



We settle in on the couch together for some Curious George.  Our eyes quickly become heavy, so we go to the bedroom where Rafa and Maya started their naps a couple hours before.  We quickly fall asleep because soon it will be lunch time and our afternoon will start. 

But for now, I kiss my little boy and thank God for blessing me with this morning with him. 

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Our Summer Days


10565808_811936412171571_68568970_n A visit or two to camp and baby boys running their hearts out.  Hot, stinky, and happy. 



Lunch straight from the garden and dipped in hummus.  You can never have too many cucumbers.  Or too much hummus for that matter.


Reading our library books on the hammock. Curious George for him, and John Gresham for me.   10559180_811935788838300_1525098273_n10545069_811935865504959_1994132454_n

Our garden.  It has its weeds, but it also has its fruits. 


My early bird, who thinks nap time is only for when you are in the car.  Thus the reason he’s the only one in these pictures. His little sister still likes her naps, so she misses out on the summering. 

Harvesting Potatoes




It has been said here before:  I do not have a green thumb.  Nor the patience required to tend a lovely garden.  But oh how I *wish* I did! 

But potatoes?  Those are easy.  Plant them (we did it in a bag.)  Put it in a place where rain and sun reach them, watch the vines grow and eventually die, then dig for potatoes.  Perfect for me and me lazy brown thumb.  And Job loved the dirt digging too. 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Our Sitting-up, One-toothed, Brown-Eyed Wonder


The days may be long, but the weeks and months sure have been short!



Farm Table


It started with an innocent, “You should make me a table…”  Within a half an hour he has cutting wood and I was looking for glue.  We discussed, he cut and measured.  I readied the babes for bed.  Once they were tucked in he squared boards while I drilled. We puttied holes and by bedtime that night she was standing on her own four legs waiting for a good sanding. 

The next morning she got just that, and we stained away.  The pictures show our lovely amateur result.  Besides the $3.27 I spent on paint brushes, she cost us not a dime.  She will comfortably seat six, but eight can cozy on up to her counter high edges too. That Sunday we made a table and a memory.    10302165_794496263915586_4312961012954943623_n

